23-24 Αpril 2016
10th SMF sfendami mountain festival
The S.M.F Sfendami Mountain Festival is a two day event organized every year during April at Sfendami, Pieria. In 2016 the event will be held for the 10th year.
The aim of the event is to offer athletes, runners and mountain bikers, children, parents and specatators with a love of athletics and nature an experience of this area. The organizer is SFENDAMOS, a local and non-profit company based in Sfendami.
Event exhibition ground
On the Hill of Prophet Elias where the festival will take place, including a campsite and immediate access to the race routes and tracks, also more events and new activities. The hill is 2.5 km from Sfendami. There are WC facilities and showers with hot water for the athletes and campers. There are eating and drinking facilities for all.
What is included in the SMF
Day 1 Saturday 23 April 2016
Mountain Running Races (5km, 10km, 21km)
Day 2 Sunday 24 April 2016
Open Mtb Races (21km,38km)
The 21km open mountain bike race with a difference of altitude of 780m.
Rules of participation
Runners must be 15 years old and older for the 21k running race.
Mountain bikers must be 12 years and older for the 38km race.
In the categories 12-14 years and the fun category are completed with the circle from the starting point at 4km and a turn of 19km totaling 23km at an altitude of 880m.
All athletes aged 12-18 years need a signature from a guardian. The events are independent of each other, each participant can decide to enter either or both.
Race schedules
- Mountain running race – Saturday 23th April 15:00 pm
- Mountain bike open38km Race – Sunday 24th April 10:35 am
- Mountain bike open Fun 21 km Race – Sunday 24th April 10:40am
The declaration of participation and receipt of racing numbers will be from 11am – 2.45pm on Saturday and 7.30am – 9.30am on the Sunday. If the total number of runners has exceeded 300 and mountain bikers 500 then applications for athletes will not happen on the day of the events.
Cup for the 1st prize winner of each category and medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Certificate and medal for all athletes who complete the races.
21km Mountain run categories
15-18 years
19-39 years
40-49 years
Women’s category
38km Mountain Bike Race categories
- 16-18 years
- 19-29 years
- 30-39 years
- 40-49 years
- 50+
- Women’s category
- Fun category (12-15) – (16+ years) – Men/Women 21 km
Electric bicycles [if there are more than 10 interested athletes] – 38km
Group applicants for the mountain bike race
Participation of electric bicycles
It is possible for athletes with electric bicycles to take part in the race. The athletes will wear different race numbers and will take the last positions at the starting line. I there are more than 10 entrants then there will be a winners’ category. If competing against non electric bikes the athletes cannot receive prizes.
Prizes for group entrants
For the run and the mountain bike race the results will be posted on the organisation’s website according to the numbers of the athletes in each group. Those in two groups will receive results for the 1st group. The final day for declaring participation is the 15th April. On the day of the races athletes will not be included in the final results.
Food and refreshment stations
Mountain run
4 drink stations, 2 food stations
1] Teponitsa 9km water
2] Aeroporia 14km water, energy drinks, snacks [nuts and dried fruit]
3] Tsairia-Katachalitika 18km water, energy drinks, nuts and dried fruit, jelly.
Mountain bike race
More informations soon…
Inspection stations
In both races there will be 4 inspection stations at junctions, all athletes must stick to the marked route and wear their race number in a visible place.
Route signs
The route for the events is fully and visibly signed with coloured route tape every 15m. Destination sign posts of A4 size will be used. At crossroads signs with ‘X’ will denote the wrong route and at points of especial difficulty there will be signs with 3 arrows. The distance will be signed every 2km.
Route description
C) 21km (Mountain Run and MTB Fun Race)
The event has the starting and finishing lines on the Hill of Prophet Elias and runs along forest and agricultural tracks. Of the 23km, 9km is along walking tracks and the altitude reaches 880m. The route is on earth with no stone and the paths are pleasurable and take the athletes through a tunnel of natural beauty.
Technical support for the Mountain Bike race
All bikes taking part in the event have the opportunity of a technical check and during the race there will be 4 technical support points.
Applications for Athletes
Applications start on 1 March 2016 and through the organization site www.sfendami.gr. The organization accepts up to 500 athletes for the Mountain Bike race and up to 300 athletes for the Mountain Run. Applications end on the 15 April. Athletes who have completed the application form must also complete payment to finish their application.
The method of payment can be found on the application form. The organization is automatically informed of the payment for participation. One athlete can pay for any amount of participants and must inform the organization via email of the names of all the athletes taking part. If the payment is made via another bank then the names of the participants must be sent by email to the organization.
Payment through the Post Office. The details and address are found on the website under ‘contact us’. The Post Office charges are paid by the applicants.
All athletes who complete their application before 15 April will have their name and surname on their bike and on the number for the Mountain Run. Each athlete will have a participant number according to the number of participation.
On application all athletes have the right to all facilities offered by the organization; certificate of participation, medal for all athletes who complete the run and all mountain bikers who complete one lap of the circuit and a full meal at the end of the race. Many other gifts will be given away throughout the event by raffle.
Free participation
For the 3 winners [male and female] of the 8th SMF mountain run and mountain bike race, as for every category
Cost of participation
- MTB 38 kil open race 20 Euro
- MTB Fun 21 xil 15 euro
- Run race 21 km 15 euro
- Run race 10km 10 euro
- Run race 5km 10 euro
On the day of the event the prices are 3 euro more. The applications are complete upon payment and the account number is on the online application form until April 20th.
Terms of participation
Each participating athlete in the event declares that they accept the terms of taking part and that they are in full physical and psychological health taking into account all possible dangers involved in participation.
Each athlete participates and takes full responsibility for their participation accepting that the organization, anyone working for the organization or involved in the organization takes no responsibility for any injury or damage to personal property before, during and after the races.
Each athlete participating accepts and responsibly declares that they will receive no monetry compensation for any photographs, videos, snapshots, results with personal details or interviews taken throughout the event that may be used by the organization for advertising purposes at a later date.
Race regulations
It is officially recognized that on completion of application of participation in the event;
A helmet must be worn for the mountain bike race. There is no time limit for exclusion for either race.
All athletes must stay on the clearly signed track and show their athlete number in a clearly visible place.
Athlete who do not pass from the check point are disqualified.
Athletes in the Fun category complete the 4km stage of the mountain bike race and the 19km lap, total 21km. For any unforeseeable situations and circumstances, the final decision is by the director of the races and the technical advisor.
Race safety
Throughout the event there will be a rescue team of 40 members available at many points and in full communication for quick recovery.
Spectator participation
The races have been designed with the athlete and spectator in mind and their enjoyment. Spectators can follow the event on the hill of prophet Elias with a distance of 1000m with 2 crossings from the run and 3 crossings from the mountain bikes. Reaching the points is easy and direct and the greatest distance from the hill is 2.5km. There will be a map available showing the spectator points.
Art and crafts area
An area where children can play and paint and learn about ecological themes. The area has been improved and is now a workshop with more activities for 2 days. A chance for the children to enjoy the event and learn and be inspired in the future.
Throughout the 2 day event there will be a team of cleaners, 40 rubbish bins at different points and an aluminium recycling bin.. helping keep the environment clean and passing on the message to the younger generation.
Food and refreshments for spectators
Covered area with food and refreshments.
Mountain bike parking
100 bike parking places in different areas of the exhibition area.
10th SMF.
Events for children
Sack racing and other new events for the young and old. Free participation of individuals and teams.
On the 23 and 24 April Sfendami will transform into the beat and enthusiasm of young and old participating in the events. The hill of Prophet Elias will be transformed with the colours of spring to welcome you all to the 10th Sfendami Mountain Festival
We await you on the picturesque hill of Prophet Elias in Sfendami, Pierias to spend a 2 day celebration of athletics and culture together….
18-19 Αpril 2015
9th SMF sfendami mountain festival uci
The S.M.F Sfendami Mountain Festival is a two day event organized every year during April at Sfendami, Pieria. In 2015 the event will be held for the 9th year. Continue Reading →
Το ταξίδι της SMF TEAM για την αγωνιστική πορεία στο παγκόσμιο πρωτάθλημα (UCI) για το 2018 έχει ξεκινήσει…
Διανύοντας την 3η χρονιά στην πορεία που χαράξαμε το 2014 συνεχείζουμε την προσπάθεια μας
Σκοπός του ΣΦΕΝΔΑΜΟΣ για τη δημιουργία αυτής της ομάδας είναι να αναδείξει την ελληνική ορεινή ποδηλασία αξιοποιώντας νέους ικανούς και ταλαντούχους αθλητές με τη συμμετοχή τους σε αγώνες του εσωτερικού και του εξωτερικού. Επιπλέον να αναδειχθεί η ιδιαιτερότητα της ελληνικής φύσης σε ό,τι αφορά το συγκεκριμένο άθλημα τόσο σε επίπεδο προετοιμασίας των αθλητών όσο και στη διοργάνωση αγώνων.
Οριστικοποιήθηκε η συνεργασία και υποστήριξη της εταιρίας IDEAL BIKES όπως και η χορηγία στην ομάδα από την παγκόσμια SHIMANO για την αγωνιστική χρονιά υ 2018
Η εταιρία IDEAL BIKES είναι ο βασικός χορηγός της SMF TEAM σε όλο τον αγωνιστικό εξοπλισμό που την συγκροτεί.
Οι αθλητές της SMF TEAM για το 2018 θα έχουν στα χέρια τους το κορυφαίο αγωνιστικό ideal race pro ,για την ασφάλεια τους θα φοράνε κράνη της κορυφαίας εταιρίας LAZER ,εξοπλισμό των εταιριών FOX , KENDA, PRO ,PEARL IZUMI και της SHIMANO
Eίμαστε ιδιαίτερα ευτυχείς που σε αυτήν την προσπάθεια μας συμπαραστάτες έχουμε μια ελληνική εταιρία τηνIDEAL BIKES
Τeam Manager
Τσανακτσίδης Μπάμπης
Asistance Manager
Τσορτουκτσίδης Κώστας
- XC Lejla Tanovic (1η Βαλκανιονίκης – πρωταθλήτρια B-H )
- XC Aleksander Roman (πρωταθλητής Σερβίας 2014-2017 )
- XC Τσορτουκτσίδης Ηλίας (πρωταθλητής Nεων 2017 )
- XC Αδάμ Αλεξάνδρα ( πρωταθλήτρια Νεανίδων 2017 )
- XC Volodymyr Koslouskyy (πρωταθλητής Ουκρανίας 2017 )
- XC Πετρίδης Θοδωρής (4ος πανελληνιονίκης )
Γνωρίζοντας τις δυσκολίες είμαστε αποφασισμένοι να συνεχίσουμε την προσπάθεια που οραματιστήκαμε για μια ελληνική παγκόσμια ομάδα mtb που θα πρωταγωνιστήσει στη νότια Ευρώπη και όχι μόνο. Είμαστε βέβαιοι πως την ομάδα θα την ακολουθούν σε όλες της αποστολές οι σκέψεις όλων των φίλων της ποδηλασίας.
Σε αυτή την προσπάθεια σας θέλουμε συμπαραστάτες και υποστηρικτές με τις ιδέες σας και την ενεργή συμμετοχή σας.
Το ταξίδι για την SMF TEAM και τα IDEAL RACE PRO συνεχίζεται.
Route description Xco
Event has the starting and finishing lines on the Hill of Prophet Elias and runs along forest and agricultural tracks. Continue Reading →
Less than 20 days remain before the 10th SMF and already the preparations are under way, from design through to implementation. Continue Reading →
The preparations of the 8th SMF are in process of opening the new xco c2 elite UCI route. Continue Reading →
The company ‘Shimano’ which offers all cyclists the highest ‘standard’ safety and technical support regarding their bikes will take Continue Reading →
Μέσα στο διήμερο φεστιβάλ θα λειτουργήσει εκθεσιακός χώρος εταιριών.
Οι παρακάτω εταιρίες έχουν δηλώσει συμμετοχή στην έκθεση .
Sfendami Mountain Festival 2013 από Adrenalini tv
Video from the race Mtb 42 km S.M.F 2013
Τα χάλκινα της Καστοριάς στο S.M.F 2013
Sfendami Mountain Festival 2013 Trailer
Price money
Xco UCI elite men c2 Xco UCI elite women c2
1st € 180 1st € 160
2nd € 140 2nd € 120
3rd € 100 3rd € 80
4th € 80 4th € 60
5th € 65 5th € 40
6th € 55 6th € 30
7th € 50 7th € 20
8th € 40 8th € 20
9th € 35 9th € 20
10th € 30 9th € 20
11th € 20
12th € 20 Total prize money:570
13th € 20
14th € 20
15th € 20
Total prize money : 875
XCM UCI elite men c3 XCM UCI elite woman c3
1st € 120 € 100
2nd € 80 € 60
3rd € 60 €40
4th € 40 30 €
5th € 35 20 €
6th € 35
7th € 30
8th € 25
9th € 20
10th € 20